Thursday, June 29, 2006

weekly post from June 10, 2006

"It's just another week" edition

Howdy friends, loved ones, & pardners:

Sorry, I guess I'm still in country-western mode; between the movie The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada and the singing cowboys in A Prairie Home Companion, I'm feeling like I'm in the wild west.

We've had some crazy weather this week. It was rainy and cool, even chilly as temps got down into the 40's some nights. Today is a bit cool but we just went out to the local Shur-Fine (or, as I like to say, shurr-fiiine) and the sun came out and Jim remarked what a pretty evening it was. We had a lazy day today which was very very nice. We went outside for a bit to do some cutting of weeds and take some concrete blocks apart. I myself got up at 5 this morning and then went back to bed around 6:30 and didn't get back up until after 2pm. Talk about a slug. I'll work it off singing and praising in church tomorrow. We watched the movie Glory Road about the Texas Western basketball team that made NCAA history in 1966. It was a so-so movie and at the end Jim asked me, as he always does at the end of sports movies, "What possessed you to rent a sports movie?" Because it has Josh Lucas. Because it has that chick from Bones. I don't know.

Tonight Jim has to make hummus for church tomorrow. After church we are having a little cookout to celebrate the people who helped make our garage sale such a success. Hopefully the weather will be nice. And hopefully your Saturday evening is turning out splendidly and your Sunday will be even better.

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