Tuesday, March 01, 2005

another white day


It's Tuesday and it's snowing again. In fact, it's supposed to snow all week long. What was I saying last week about being thankful we don't live in California with the weather THEY are having?

The Michael Jackson trial is under way. I'm not looking forward to another long drawn out celebrity trial and the media overexposure that results from it. I am, however, looking forward to the verdict.

Ridiculous item of the day: Last summer, an intoxicated man who was semi-incoherent was picked up by police in Tennessee. He pled guilty, on Monday, to burglary, theft, vandalism, indecent exposure and public intoxication. Last July, the man broke into a service area and stole some snacks and did some damage. He was found by police running toward his jeep with the snacks, including a container of nacho cheese. He was naked and also had nacho cheese in his hair, on his face, and on his shoulders. Kind of gives new meaning to eating and running. At least it wasn't hot sauce.

More later.



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