Thursday, March 24, 2005

a lovely spring? day

Yes, it's spring but you wouldn't know it to look outside. We got between 2 and 4 inches of new snow between yesterday and last night. Ahhhhhhh, May, May wherefore art thou May.

Ridiculous item of the day: We've all heard of road rage but snowball rage? A woman in Massachusetts, picking up her daughter from school, had her vehicle pelted with snowballs by some kids. The woman got out of her car and started chasing the kids, with a tire iron (that'll do some damage). The kids continued to throw snowballs at her. "Cold" under the collar, the woman went back to her car to get her pepper spray. A male student, whose car was being blocked by the woman's, asked her to move the car and an argument ensued. The student then found himself on the wrong end of the woman's pepper spray. She has pled not guilty to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and carrying a firearm (apparently pepper spray is one) without having it properly registered. Next time I'm sure the kids will just throw stones.

That's all for today. Enjoy YOUR day!


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