Sunday, March 27, 2005

what should I call this?

It's a chilly Easter Sunday morning. This week is supposed to get up into the 50's and possibly even the 60's by the end of the week. I can start wearing shorts pretty soon....Yea!

Ridiculous item of the week: It's never a good idea to beat up your trash man. That's one rule that a family in Philadelphia didn't follow. While following their garbage truck and picking up bags of garbage, Richard Meyers and a co-worker passed a house where the garbage had NOT been put out. At that point, Eugene Dykes, one of the owners of the house, yelled for the truck to stop; it didn't. Dykes then started putting bags of garbage in the truck (luckily for him the truck was going slow enough to do so). Then he got mad and he, his wife and sons started hitting garbageman Meyers. Meyers had to crawl under the truck for protection. I think next garbage day instead of picking up garbage at that house they should pelt the house with garbage. I always make sure our garbage is out in PLENTY of time for the garbageman; don't most people?

Wherever you are this Easter day, have a wonderful one.



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