Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's a very very cold Wednesday here in Western NY. Still no major snow (and each day without snow is a day closer to Spring). In fact, the days are definitely getting lighter earlier. On my way home from work this morning, it was daylight by the time I got home, usually it's still dark.

Ridiculous item of the day: A high school football coach in Oregon is being investigated by a state panel for an unconventional treatment of one of his players. Coach Reed of Central Linn High School in Halsey, Oregon is accused of threatening student safety and health (even though the student gave him permission for the bizarre treatment). During a game, Reed licked one of the player's bloody scabs in the belief that licking could heal wounds. Reed has not been arrested as the action may be disgusting but it's not against the law. People if you must lick, lick your own wounds.

That's all for now. Wherever you are stay warm.



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