Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hello, it was another beautiful day. Went to see The Upside Of Anger; a great movie, wonderful acting and the best cast movie I've seen in a while. Joan Allen was riveting; she never went overboard and really knows how to inhabit a role without going over the top. Why hasn't she won an Oscar? Kevin Costner seems to just get better looking with age, talk about a hunk. The only flaw with the movie were a couple of things that were just out of place: One daughters medical crisis and Allen's fantasy of another daughter's boyfriend's head exploding. The movie does hit a little too hard in some places with the message, however, it really shows how anger and bitterness can distort our view of life and hold us back. A must see and did I mention the casting is impeccable?

Ridiculous item of the day: A republican politician in Colorado, decrying same sex marriage, said that it could one day lead to interspecies marriage. He mentioned a man in Boulder, CO, who tried to marry his horse. However, that was a political stunt during a short lived allowance of same sex marriage and it happened in the 70's. I think we should prove him right. I think we should all go out right now and marry our dogs, cats, horses, any animal we have. Oh come on, you know you have such deep feelings for Fifi and Fido. You see the way they look at you; they just make your heart go pitter patter and besides they already share your bed.

Songs I'm enjoying on the radio: "The Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails. I've never been a big fan of NIN. I have enjoyed a song here and a song there, however, this song just gets my whole body moving. What a great first single from their new album. "B.Y.O.B." by System Of A Down. This group I have enjoyed from the beginning and I'm sure people would be surprised to know I enjoy listening to them. With lyrics such as "you feed us lies from the tablecloth" and "why don't president's fight the war?" you won't be blamed if you think this is a political song (haha). And also "Holiday" by Green Day. One more is Kelly Clarkson's new one, "Behind These Hazel Eyes" a catchy, midtempo song. It's not as catchy as "Since U Been Gone" which is annoyingly infectious, however, it's still a good song. I don't think she's got the greatest voice, or the most talented singer out there right now, however, she is talented and bearable when she doesn't put out songs like "Breakaway."

That's all for now. Peace wherever you are.


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