Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday snippets

The number one movie in America for the weekend was the ridiculous remake The Pink Panther. Starring Steve Martin, who makes the bumbling Inspector Clouseau look even more incompetent, the film looks absurd and unimaginative. I've no interest in seeing it as I cannot imagine anyone bringing something more to the role than the sublime Peter Sellers brought to it. This just goes to show that taste is subjective. I've no doubt that many people saw this film and laughed out loud. I've seen the trailer more than a few times and did not even chuckle once.

VP Dick Cheney has done it this time. During a hunting expedition on Saturday, he shot Harry Whittington, a millionaire from Austin, Texas, with shotgun pellets while hunting quail in South Texas. Whittington is doing fine despite being shot in the face and chest. Apparently Whittington shot one of the birds and went to look at it while at the same time Cheney and his group found a second covey of quail. Whittington came up from behind the VP and when the second covey flushed, Cheney followed one of the birds and shot. Unfortunately Whittington was in the line of fire.

Michelle Kwan pulled out of the Olympics after sustaining an injury to her groin on Sunday during her practice routine.

Another fire at a Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama, brings the total to 10. Five of the churches had black congregations and five had white. Police are looking for suspects but don't believe that the fires are racially motivated. All of the fires were started at Baptist churches.

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