Friday, February 25, 2005

finally Friday

Hey people,

Here it is, finally Friday, and I couldn't be more relieved (well I probably could be at another moment). Jim and I are heading out to dinner (yes! just the two of us) in a bit and I thought I'd whip off my daily blog.

Went to see the film The Aviator and I was pleasantly surprised, both by the film and by Leonardo DiCaprio. Don't worry, I still don't think he's "the greatest actor," however, he didn't do a bad job in the film. The film is easily the most engrossing of the five that were nominated and I was planning on asserting that it should win even before I saw it.

Ridiculous item of the day: Kraft foods is in trouble with animal rights activists over a new candy product put out under the label Trolli. They are disgusted, in fact, by the new product, Trolli Road-Kill Gummy Candy (and it's fruit flavored too). Yes, folks, you too can eat gummy candy in the shape of squirrels, chickens, and snakes. Each piece is partially flattened and has its very own tire track running down the middle of it. A spokesman for Kraft stated that other gummy products are "offbeat and that's what we were doing in this case." If you'd like to see the advertisement of the product go to and see for yourself. I hope it's still there when you check, they already had to remove an advertisement that had car headlights and animals from the website. The activists, of course, are trying to get the product pulled from shelves. I personally think it is hysterical but I've never heard of, or seen for that matter, chicken roadkill. It's a good thing they didn't put cats into the mix, that would have really created a stir.

Wherever you are I hope you are safe.



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