Saturday, February 19, 2005


Hello my friends & loved ones,

Here it is Saturday evening and I'm just getting around to blogging. I missed a day yesterday so it's like I have to start all over again.

We went to see the film Hotel Rwanda this afternoon. It was our monthly movie/church group. We get together once a month to see an "artsy fartsy" film. Jim wanted to see The Chorus, a film about a film about a music teacher in post-war France who teaches his charges the joy of music. However, he had a free ticket that was already paid for and it was a ticket for Hotel Rwanda. He really didn't want to see the film, not just because it tells of the horrific genocide, but also because he experienced a lesser form in Baghdad when he was a missionary. Don Cheadle carries the film magnificently and the violence is not gratuitous. Also, there is an absence of gore.

We went to the store after the film and we were leaving the parking lot and we were waiting to pull out to the two way stop sign in the parking lot. There was a car stopped, waiting for another car to turn left and the woman behind the car that was stopped laid on her horn. Jim and I were looking at each other like, 'what is wrong with that lady?' She must have been insane. She obviously didn't realize that the car in front of her was at a stop sign or that she was in a parking lot. I wonder where she thought she was. Then when SHE turned and pulled up to the stop light (yes, a stop sign AND a stop light....busy parking lot) she turned right onto the main road from the left hand turn lane. A comment was made about someone cleaning her clock one day because of her road rage.

I'll write more later. I have to start with my Oscar picks. Only 8 more days.



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